Greg Borrego – amazing post and points!!!!
Ace Ramirez – love your points on teaching what will endorse safety, and the truth statement about the public, that is the real issue here: the public and the media (I feel we all know what we are… trying to do, it’s just these misconceptions that occur when a journalist needs a story at our expense).
Mark J. Speranza – longevity, what a powerful word few of us mention anymore… How many of us have had hip replacements from the heavy kicking arts popular in the 70’s-90’s, imagine 20 years from now…
Johnny Guerrero – you nailed it on the spectators being the main source of the issue, couldn’t agree more. All it takes is one “KICK HIM IN THE HEAD!” shout and then you know how that story ends… Ok so now my take on it: My sister was taught how to do a double back flip off a 4″ wide beam at age 11 in gymnastics. People yelled in the stands while she tried to concentrate not knowing their cheering risked her breaking her neck… to this date not one story has been written about “how young is too young to flip off beams” < the media is just loving the MMA topic and will return to it often when they want controversy (“let’s pit the worried parents against the beer drinking UFC fans in this one, we’ll get lots of comments!”)… What can we do? Keep educating people, post videos about what you teach and how you teach it, eventually the general population will “get it”, and eventually no one will buy into the media trying to take these stories out of context. In reading that story, I can feel the journalist trying pry out of the young boys something that would sound how “I didn’t knock him out but he was stumbling” sounded. It’s BS and some serious hype generation crap. Look at the comments by the parents in the blog post… Would love to hear
Tom Callos weigh in on this one, your opinions are always out of the box and great to read…