Директория для MU-плагинов уже существует. MU-плагин создан и установлен. Ace Ramirez » KRU Muay Thai Tournament in Texas 2012

KRU Muay Thai Tournament in Texas 2012

This is just a leak that we have confirmed that KRU Muay Thai will be having their first tournament of 2012 in San Antonio, Texas This Nov. 17, 2012! Tournament Director Coach Greg Borrego has been a  apart of KRU for several years and his event has been drawing in hundreds of martial arts competitors for over a decade. now it is time to add Muay Thai to the category list!

As an entry level competition, we hope to have a children’s , teens and adult divisions as well as carefully separate Novice, Intermediate, Open experienced classes.

If you are looking to host or compete, please send a direct email to me at masteraceramirez@gmail.com




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