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Lifestyle Success Topic 2 Review – Mindset

  • What is a mindset?                                          Millionaire/Billionaire Mindset? Examples
    Laws of Attraction are not about dating or relationships directly, but about the essence of Karma. What we give is also what we get.  
    Law is impartial as the law of gravity. You will fall to ground whether you are nice or mean.If things don’t go the way we want it, whose fault is it?

    “Most people think of what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over.”
    (I better not spill on my new white shirt, and of course you spill.)
    “I don’t want to argue” (Mean I want more arguing) – You get everything you concentrate on regardless of putting  “don’t” in front of it!
    The Laws of Attraction state that if we surround ourselves with negative people, we become negative. We will find a way to match the energy and FIND fault where ever it lies.
    *No one can tell you whether you are feeling good or bad, because you are the only one who knows how you’re feeling at any time.
    *If you feel bad and don’t make any effort to change your thoughts and feel better, you are in effect saying, “Bring me more circumstances that will make me feel bad.”
    Can you think of people that are examples of positive and negative mindsets?
    How can we capitalize on a bad situation?
    We are asked how the day is and we say, “Horrible, traffic makes me mad”. (Negative)
    “Yes, traffic was bad. No one knows how to drive around here. (More negative)
    “Yes, traffic was slow and took a long time to get here. So I got a chance to listen to a new audiobook. (Positive)
    Generally people find reasons to not get what they wish for so it doesn’t materialize.
    Homework: When you wake up in the morning, what is your mindset?
    (Too tired, Don’t want to work, etc) Ask yourself. Your feelings don’t lie!

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