Mayweather vs Ortiz debacle

I am going to keep this short. I must admit I did not see the event live but did see the clips the day after so here are my 2 cents worth.

1. Ortiz attempted an ILLEGAL attack which was simply an awful headbutt which was not even attempted to be concealed.

2. The referee did a Horrible job in NOT seperating the fighters to neutral corners but restarting them only to turn his attention AWAY for the fight and address (from what i could tell) the judges and time keeper.

3. This led to a “hugfest” which gave Ortiz the bright idea of NOT PROTECTING HIMSELF AT ALL TIMES! With a skilled boxer as Mayweather, it didn’t take much to accurately strike the overtrusting Ortiz with only 2 hits.

4. Mayweather was in his rights to hit Ortiz, Yes. Was it legal? Yes! Was it unsportsmanlike? Yes! People, do not confuse legal with fair.

But wait, it is a fight. Yes it is, but are you saying if someone hits you below the belt (which is illegal), you can return the favor? That is up to you. It is expected such as a wild pitch in baseball. All I can say is it shouldn’t be, but since it is common knowledge that there may be some retribution, BE AWARE ORTIZ!

If I had 2 kids sparring in class, should we teach if there was a kick to the back that he must return (upon the apology) a knee to the nose WHILE he is bowing? Comment yourself. and keep it clean 🙂


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