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KRU Muay Thai Step 2 – Training Videos

Step number 2 is to review your Novice Rank training videos as well as your supplemental class planner and manual.

Even though you have not completely learned the novice curriculum or not from the Muay Thai base style, Master Ace Ramirez will be expecting an immediate video of the following from the instrcutor(s) who will be leading and assiting the KRU Muay Thai Program in your facility:

1 Round of Shadowboxing: beginning with boxing, then adding knees, then kicks (don’t forget defense). All techniques should be basic, do not throw in flying elbows,e tc. Just good footwork and basics!

1 Round of Instructor(s) holding Thai pads/Fous Mitts for striker. Please show single holding for boxing, knees and kicks as well as short combos mixing up hands and feet.

1 Round of instructor(s) hitting pads: Same as above. Show good rhythm, speed and power not important. If you do not have a partner to hold pads you may send one with instrucotr and heavy bag.

We will be giving more video assignments. we suggest that you can create a basic you tube account (do not use one that you advertise yourself or your school) and send me the link. You can also create private account for only KRU to view. Any questions please contact noelle@krutraining,com

Also, by now you should arrange when your next live instructor training weekend will be. Now get that video camera out and start taping!


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    • Pattern 1
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      Pattern 18
      Pattern 19
      Pattern 20


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